Welcome to Firefly Expressive Arts! I am overjoyed that you have taken the time to learn more about us. As founder and owner of Firefly, my mission is creating an environment where children are safe to freely explore their unique expression in the world.
With over 20 years experience working with children, performing and creating my life as a full-time artist and entrepreneur, Firefly was born from a desire to impart these gifts of self-directed, authentic expression to children. Here at Firefly, my commitment is providing a thoughtful program where children are encouraged to discover and connect with their own inner compass.
After teaching singing and acting to young children for several years, it became clear that children who are given the freedom to explore through play and embodied expression develop a more authentic sense of who they are within their community.
As someone who is committed to my own personal development, I believe that children learn more by what we do and how we show up in the world than what we say. At Firefly, I am committed to fostering a team of mentors who share the same values of personal growth, compassion and connection.
My fondest memories are of being in theatre and going to camp as a young girl. Having a space where I was free to be myself and celebrated for the very things that made me different gave me confidence, tenacity, connection to self and some of the best experiences of my life.
In my early twenties I became fascinated by alternative education and worked with un-schooling families. I became familiar with compassionate communication and peace education. Harnessing the tools and benefits of these progressive ways of working with children, I discovered a noticeable difference in how children responded in my own singing and acting classes. The traditional model of teaching art to kids no longer appealed to me and I developed my very first curriculum and camp in San Diego, CA called “Shine.”
“Shine” was named after the teachings of Marianne Williamson where she states that “We are all meant to shine, as children do.” The intention was to build an environment where a child’s innate inner light is preserved.
10 years later and I am still teaching the same philosophies evolved under Firefly Expressive Arts. My intention is to help children foster their own authentic expression in the world. In a culture that is so outwardly focused, my goal is to help children keep their own inner voice alive.
Studies have proven over and over again the importance of early childhood development on a person’s health, happiness and sense of connectedness in the world. I am committed to providing a magical world of play and creativity so that each child feels inspired by life’s possibilities.
As an artist myself, I know the gifts creative expression has given me in my life. It is more than confidence and talent. It’s the ability to go anywhere in the world and trust that my unique perspective is essential to the whole. We each have something powerful to contribute. I am committed to guiding children into that truth so that they can create a life of empowered choices.
Shine Brightly,
Zoe Silva - The Firefly